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over 3 years ago
on Luann
welcome to the next level of people posting how they want. It also looks like they don’t really care about whoever replies to them unless it’s their own language
over 3 years ago
on Luann
Geez! Do people here enjoy jumping in and argue THIS MUCH?? We’re supposed to enjoy reading the comic and not cause this ridiculous bicker! And WHY is it so important for people to translate someone’s comment? Is it really killing people THIS badly !?!? Why can’t we just mind our own business and enjoy the comic already!?
over 3 years ago
on Luann
….. again why does it matter? This is the web comic site and there will be people from other countries speaking their own language!! Do you go around on YouTube telling people to translate what they said all the time? Apparently people are here to leave comments and not start Anything!
over 3 years ago
on Luann
Seriously!!!! WHY is it so important to read other’s people’s comment and bug them to translate what they said!??! We’re here to ENJOY the Luann comic and not trip about someone speaking their OWN language here!!!
almost 10 years ago
on Luann
OR you can have a “firefighter style wedding”!!
As seen in these 3 links below, it’ll be perfect for them!!
almost 10 years ago
on Luann Bonus Material
I’d say the story line of September 1999 was my most favorite plot! Here’s one of the strips I remember reading on the newspaper on the exact day it was printed on September 4, 1999
Because coincidentally, I too was starting my very first year of high school! Luann and I had a lot in common throughout the years. Being normal teenaged girls, wanting to be one of the pretty popular girls, trying to dress nicely to attract boys, and dreams of being a huge celebrity!
And this strip from when she met Clay Aiken on January 1st 2004!
Another coincidence is that I MET CLAY AIKEN TOO!!I met Clay and Ruben Studdard in 2003!!I had a concert ticket for the American Idol season 2 tour as a high school graduation gift from my foster mother! After the concert ended I waited outside by the buses for the stars to come out and that was how I met Clay and Ruben!
Luann is one of the best slice of life comics I’ve ever read (besides For Better or For Worse) and she makes the perfect example for many teenaged girls out there growing up. Going through a lot of drama, hoping to make it big in the future, following her own path, and having the right friends to support her! (Luann would’ve made a great movie and TV show besides Mean Girls, The Duff and Ugly Betty! LOL!!)
The comic strip of October 5, 1997 was the very first strip I’ve read of Luann. And I was in 7th grade.
In 2008, I found out that Luann began in 1985! I had no idea Luann ran that long! Luann sure did came a long way! She was older than me when she turned 16 in 1999. But now she’s 18 and I’m 30!! I’m older than her!!
I enjoyed reading Luann because I could see myself in her!
Well except that she’s a little bit more lucky because she now has a good looking boyfriend that actually loves her back!
To be honest I wish to see Aaron Hill and Miguel once again in the comics fighting for Luann’s affections.
I loved this strip! Ah, the rivalry and jealousy and Luann never noticed!
In fact I wish they both come back and fight Quill for Luann! And I could totally see Tiffany waving her poms poms saying…..“Go go boys! If Luann can’t pick you, I’ll be your toy!” LOL!!And lastly this strip!
Because it shows how true reality really is! Especially the relationship between a father and his growing up daughter! “If you want a bunch of stuff, you got to work hard for them!”