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Brian Fies Creator

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  1. almost 4 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    Thanks for asking, it’s hard for me to say. I don’t usually have enough stock to sell autographed copies myself, but I will likely offer to send signed bookplates to readers, as I’ve done with past books. Who can say what the autumn will bring? Thanks very much!

  2. almost 4 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    PuppyPapa: Correct, it will no longer run on GoComics, and they’ll be taking it all down in a couple of weeks. If you want to read it again, now’s your chance!

    R_J: I have some thoughts and half-formed-plans for something fun to do with 3D glasses. I’m working on it. Thanks!

    Thanks, all.

  3. almost 4 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    Thank you all very much for reading, and for your good wishes! I don’t think the book is available to order anywhere now, but it should be in a few months. We’re still working on it…. It’ll have a small amount of new stuff, including some edits suggested by reader feedback here and a few surprises I hope, but basically the same story you enjoyed here. The GoComics community has been great!

  4. almost 5 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    You’re right, that would have been better. Maybe they’re not prison-issue.

  5. almost 5 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    Thanks so much! We have been back in our rebuilt house for nearly a year (hard to believe) and most of our neighbors have finally returned as well. “Normal” may be a long way off, but “better” is happening every day! Except for pandemics, of course, but we’re all in that boat together.

  6. about 5 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    They are screen grabs. And it was excellent artwork, but I didn’t do it!

  7. about 5 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster


  8. about 5 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    Wow, thanks for the unexpectedly warm reception! I appreciate it!

    There’s no deep reason or strategy behind the restart; GoComics emailed me out of the blue to ask if they could run it again and I said, “Why not?”

    Jrankin1959: Angling the opening crawl certainly occurred to me! (I can hear the opening fanfare….) But I decided that legibility was more important.

    Thanks again.

  9. over 5 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    Thank you very much! Those are very different books. And Mom was the best—my biggest cheerleader.

  10. over 5 years ago on The Last Mechanical Monster

    You’re welcome, and thank YOU!