Horses don’t pant like a dog, however they will increase there breathing to a rapid rate around 120 breaths per minute to cool the air in ther large sunises. No I am not a horse expert. Yes I googled that.
I asked my daughter for the phonebook. She just laughed and said OK Boomer, and handed me her IPhone. in the end The Spider is dead, The IPhone is broken and My daughter is Angry.
It is utterly rediculous that people on both sides of the aisle call the other side stupid. None of them are stupid. Some of them are hell bent on destroying the american way of life but they are not stupid. The Stupid people are the ones blindly following anything they hear a celebrity say without actually researching all sides of the subject and forming your own informed opinion.
Analyzing a joke is like disecting a mouse. You will understand more about, but in the end you’ve killed it none the less.