Dsc05444  2

Zenbran Free

Recent Comments

  1. 12 days ago on Dana Summers

    Hey SUV, I know that 4 syllable words are hard for t-rumplicans, like yourself, to understand, but does the word punctuation mean anything to you?

  2. 27 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    I look forward to your comments every day. I hope you don’t mind; I am going to borrow your statement and send it to a couple of hard-core Christian MAGA folks that I know from where I used to work.

  3. about 1 month ago on Steve Kelley

    I remember when all of the Maga’s loved Michael Cohen while he was lying for t-rump. Then t-rump threw Cohen under the bus. Cohen lost his license to practice law and served 3 years in prison for lying for t-rump. And now that Cohen is being truthful and doing the right thing, Maga wants to call Cohen out for lying in the past for t-rump. Now, Maga hates Cohen only because the bigliest liar of all time, t-rump, told them to do so. Those of us outside of Maga, who actually have our critical thinking switches turned to the on position, are besides ourselves in disbelief.

  4. about 2 months ago on Gary Varvel

    Varvel likes to make fun of and tell lies about President Biden’s age, yet refuses to post just one truthful cartoon about all the times, last week, when t-rump fell asleep in court only to wake up to the bad smell of his own flatulence?

  5. 3 months ago on Ted Rall

    What is wrong with you?

  6. 3 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    Aristo,Democrats are opposed to all aspects of communism which eventually turns into a dictatorship. It is the trumplicans who are rootin-tootin for the orange Cheeto’s love of Putin.

  7. 3 months ago on Michael Ramirez

    You’re telling another lie. Doesn’t it embarrass you to call your fellow Americans, communist?

  8. 3 months ago on Jeff Danziger

    Stop lying! Democrats are not ignoring what is happening at the border. You know a bipartisan border bill negotiated by republican senator James Lankford which offered everything Republicans wanted did not pass a senate vote because Republicans voted against it. House speaker Milke Johnson, at donald trump’s request, stated the bill, if it did pass in the senate would be dead on arrival in his chamber. So, the real question should be, why are the Republicans ignoring the border especially since they had everything they wanted in that bill?

  9. 3 months ago on Lisa Benson

    Rush Limbaugh really did a great job teaching you to hate your fellow Americans. After all the trumplicans have done to ignore the true intentions of all the lying, Rush Limbaugh wannabees, it is a wonder, and quite bewildering, that trumplicans do not see the real threat to our democracy.

  10. 5 months ago on Chip Bok

    Yes, there are other news stories.

    Chip, why not do a comic about the head of Florida’s GOP, Christian Ziegler, getting booted by republicans for raping the woman who was having an affair with his wife? You know, Bridget Ziegler, the head of Sarasota County School Board and co-founder of ‘Moms for Liberty’ advocating for anti-LGBTQ policies in public schools and violating First amendment rights by banning books in schools.Their hypocrisy alone should provide you with plenty of comedic material that you can drone on with for a very long time.