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Recent Comments

  1. 12 months ago on Luann Againn

    What’s up with the 1st panel? Luann is left-handed.

  2. over 2 years ago on Luann Againn

    What;s with that first panel? Luann is left-handed.

  3. over 2 years ago on Andy Capp

    The flags in the 1st panel are hung wrong. When the flag is hung from the short side, the blue field should be at the upper left. Jack probably didn’t know that.

  4. over 8 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Re: " This conversation took place in 1987 . . . There were no CD’s then,"

    Yes there were. CDs were introduced to the market in 1982.

  5. almost 10 years ago on Broom Hilda

    As I wrote a few days ago, a Gocomics rep emailed me that some of the strips in the Geech archive are somehow corrupted, and there is nothing they can do about it.