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  1. about 8 hours ago on Clay Jones

    That’s one thing Traitor Trump did do, was drive his car. I hear he liked to drive fast. Going to guess he went through a lot of lawyers to keep his license. Wonder if he paid any of them? I know this, because he did a lot of whining about not being able to drive while he was president. He can’t stand not being in control.

  2. about 9 hours ago on Michael Ramirez

    It’s crazy the effort they put in just to post their lies and projection here on GoComics.

  3. 2 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Hey, Gary, aren’t you a big Putin fan? Don’t you approve of this?

    Putin has already bought and terrified the Repubs into submission. Let’s save them, by voting every last one of the cowardly Repub traitors out of office this fall.

  4. 2 days ago on Dana Summers

    Yes, Republicans plan to do that enforce this fall. Likely, they harvested a lot of information from the voting boxes they illegally harvested in their fake investigations.

    Everyone, make sure they don’t knock you off the voting registries. Make sure your voting registration is current.

    Repubs have said, perhaps not in so many words, but they’ve said it, they intend to rig this election in their favor. Believe them.

    Better yet, everyone vote Democratic for Freedom of all, even those that vote stupid.

  5. 2 days ago on Michael Ramirez

    President Biden has had an outstanding presidency that has done a lot for all Americans. It’s just a shame that for some reason every Biden win is put in the news as somehow being bad for him. Whereas, Traitor Felon Trump spouts off between gibberish and nonsense, to how he wants to horrifically jail and abuse all those that would hold him accountable to the laws of the land.

    We need to take the corporation out of the news. There are few local independent news sources left, as most of those have been bought out by Sinclair or one of their partner right wing nutjobs.

    Sinclair sends the script and the news anchors obediently regurgitate it.

    The few independent news sources left are often under attack by local RWNJ politicians.

    So, I say thank you President Biden for being a president of the people, for the people.

    Vote Freedom, Vote Democratic up and down the ticket in November. Or earlier where available. :)

  6. 2 days ago on Clay Jones

    Well, of course they did that. How else can Traitor Felon Trump keep his promise of a terrorist event before the elections?

  7. 2 days ago on Phil Hands

    Ever read the transcripts? No human being can understand what he says most of the time.

  8. 2 days ago on Phil Hands

    With AI becoming more and more of a thing, they will just claim every horrible truthful thing he says is AI. Even if it’s something people watched him do live. Ever see the people that cheer the dumbest things at his rallies? Rarely do they bat an eye at the nonsense he utters, just clapping and cheering like trained monkeys.

  9. 2 days ago on Phil Hands

    Pretty much everything Traitor Trump says that is truthful can be, and probably should be, taken in a negative way.

  10. 2 days ago on Bill Bramhall

    Rupubs are that know it all neighbor that has to be all up in everyone’s business. Never gets a permit for anything they do, but calls code enforcement should anyone have any work done, even when they have a permit.

    Let’s get back to freedom. Vote Democratic up and down the ticket, please.