Wentil Free

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Recent Comments

  1. 7 months ago on Endtown

    We are finally getting to the power scaling stage of the arc!

  2. 7 months ago on Endtown

    Cracked Cat is cutting loose and breaking out his own reality-altering powers! Rawr!

  3. 8 months ago on Endtown

    Neither was he.

  4. 9 months ago on Endtown

    Oh Long Johnson! Oh Long Johnson!

  5. 10 months ago on Endtown

    Pity, the Zero Scalpel could have freed him from the wall in a few seconds. That hold-up and foolish argument cost poor Alan his life.

  6. 10 months ago on Endtown

    That seems to be the “incoming SNAP” effect…

  7. 10 months ago on Endtown

    I would assume he’ll leave a thin stone “cap” on the stump so Alan won’t start immediately jetting arterial blood the way he would if the flesh part of his arm was severed by the zero knife.

  8. 11 months ago on Endtown

    It probably doesn’t hurt. But, at the same time, Alan is probably not getting it back.

  9. about 3 years ago on Endtown

    Say yes, wax a little at how amazing it was.This is the perfect time to bond with the gun.Get post-coitally linked to the act in the gun’s id.It will be much more amenable to future firings.

  10. about 3 years ago on Endtown

    Two thoughts - first, when the Dittos appeared at Wally’s command, they weren’t behaving (or appearing) as he expected… hence, his broken-off exclamation, staring at them, "Wh—". The second is that all they need is a Zero pistol, assuming any of them can use it, and it’s not security-locked to Human Topsiders in suits. We noticed that the control console would no longer respond to the Doctor’s touch once the anthro change had occurred. A single Zero pistol would instantly clear the decks of these creatures, zapping them all into white dust.