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susan.jones963 Free

Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Technically she didn’t quite say it, as the play doesn’t have a capital B.

  2. over 4 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Spiders have tiny daggers

  3. almost 5 years ago on Swan Eaters

    I think you’re right about how it would be a treat to have Ivan leave her alone :) Are you aware, though, that the word jipped is usually an alternative spelling of gypped? That term means cheated and is derived from gypsy. In some parts of the world gypsy is used as a stereotypical slur against Romani.

  4. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    or furbodings…

  5. over 5 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Can opener?

  6. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Isn’t the Man on her other side?

  7. over 6 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    But who is telling the Woman to stay strong?

  8. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    brb – off to Google Julian of Norwich :)

  9. about 7 years ago on Phoebe and Her Unicorn

    Who polices nine year-olds’ clothing anyway?

  10. about 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Clucky Chicken is a…collectible. Not a toy. No.