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  1. 3 days ago on La Cucaracha

    Add to this mix the rapidly accelerating global warming crisis, emergence of new diseases from melting permafrost (plus encounters with animals due to shrinking habitat), and income inequality on steroids. Mass migration of the have-nots is already here and you ain’t seen nothing yet. Expect crimes against humanity that makes the Holocaust look like it was done by amateurs. We are on the verge of a dystopian fall into Feudalism, and the stakes have never higher for democracy.. or civilization itself.

  2. 3 days ago on La Cucaracha

    Another intriguing characteristic about “the guy in the sky” is how he always needs money. He supposedly created and owns all wealth, just can’t seem to handle it too well. Fortunately, for god, American churches have a tax exempt crutch to lean on. A form of socialism that can amasse vast wealth for church leaders based on whatever religious bpablum they can peddle. Ironically, these pastors, ministers, and priests soundly condemn socialism when applied to the wellbeing of the average citizen who may not share their beliefs.

  3. 4 days ago on La Cucaracha

    Don’t forget the delusion of religion. Why bother with rational, critical thought when you got the “guy in the sky”? He’s got all these nifty commandments and rules that if you fail to obey every single one he’ll send you to a place of eternal pain and torment, suffering and gnashing of teeth… but wait!! He loves you! Use the JAYSUS/Mohammed/Buddha, etc., get out of trouble card and you can inflict as much suffering, oppression, and death on others without ever bothering toconsider the consequences. When it comes to mixing the absurd with stupidity, religion wins hand down.

  4. 7 days ago on Last Kiss

    Another culture eats unfertilized bird embryos, sliced meat from a highly intelligent and emotionally complex animal so similar to ourselves that organs have been transferred to humans, and consumes a bitter, teeth staining, liquid obtained from the seeds of a tropical plant that uses a chemical stimulant designed to kill off hungry insects. Disgust is a relative term with no accounting for taste.

  5. 7 days ago on Last Kiss

    Autofill error.

  6. 7 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Actually have heard Evangelicals bragging how ever worsening record storms, heat, drought, regional wars, etc., are so wonderful as JAYSUS is surely coming oh so soon. Especially now that god has anointed his orange king to lead the way. An instrument to punish women, LGBTQ, and all non-believers and force them to submit to his holy will. Yup, MAGA is a cult with a foundation of fundamental christianity cults that would be iconsidered totally psychotic in a civilized nation of reason and impartial rule of law. Even if JAYSUS came back, would he even want to stay?

  7. 7 days ago on Last Kiss

    Sounds like a steak tar-tar kinda guy. A classic 13th century Mongolian Golden Horde recipe where raw meat was placed under the saddle and ridden upon for up to 12 hours a day before consuming without further preparation. Add a side of blood drunk directly from a nicked neck vein of the same ride. Desert was fermented mare’s milk.

  8. 9 days ago on Last Kiss

    Hugh says it was bad enough having his likeness stapled on Ryan Reynold’s face in “Deadpool”. He’s not just a piece of meat with claws.

  9. 9 days ago on La Cucaracha

    Thanks to the upcoming Drump revamping of the FDA, there’ll be many foods and beverages with a slightly odd taste, off meats and perishables, and lack of medicines not fitting the political agenda of the New Russia. Such as vaccines, aborficants, and HIV treatments/preventable.

  10. 11 days ago on La Cucaracha

    Different culture, and social economics in Mexico. Granted, the maschismo mysogeny is still rampant there, but so is crushing poverty, decay, and income equality deeply ingrained in the lives and psyche of Mexicans. They’ve had authoritarian strong men both spouting right and left policital rhetoric. All have failed to meet the needs of their citizens, and are often corrupt to the core. Thanks in no small part to the cartels and the USA’s rampant desire for drugs. So.. Why not try a woman who seems to have integrity, intelligence, compassion, and empathy when all others have gone bust? Don’t worry, America is definitely on the way down. The Billionaires Boys club have played Americans like a concert violinist. Owning both parties, sowing chaos, and getting rid of any guardrails that benefits the working class. All to lay claim to the last 10% of National wealth that does not belong to them. You know what? They’ll get it. Your Social Security, your Medicare, your labor, everything. All so they can create virtual fiefdoms in a Feudal society where YOU are the serfs. That is the real threat to America. Not immigrants, not crime, not red vs blue, etc.. The calculated plans to fundamentally change American society and culture to de facto slavery.