Hmmm, WhatChuGonnaDo? Nuthin? Gnash your teeth? Chant ‘told YA so’? For votes counted through Nov. 20, Trump’s margin over Harris was 1.62 percent. That’s smaller than any winner since Bush in 2000, when the margin was 0.51 percent. Going back further, only John F. Kennedy in 1960 and Nixon in 1968 won the popular vote by smaller margins, 0.17 percent and 0.7 percent, respectively. This means there are plenty of Americans that don’t buy the BS the Orange Nazis are selling. Those are facts, too. The world’s hugely Orange dick n’ friends show is not invulnerable. It ain’t over. A shooting civil war is not the answer, but throwing our collective power into stopping what we know is wrong, is.
RESIST!!! Ghandi and MLK Jr. showed us the way. Organize, protest, boycott, slowdown production, harass, and never, never, ever give up. We can take on the Orange Fascist, the Rethugican Cowards, his Lickspittle lackey SCOTUS, and his Oligarch handlers nonviolently, ever grinding them down. Use the remaining laws and rights the creators of the Constitution gave us to change the government when they were faced with tyranny. RESIST!!!
You’re most welcome. It’s not about partisan politics. It’s about MAGAt culture who believe they know what is best for everyone else (“You don’t have to think ever again”), while they forget facts, science, logic, and rationality. Not to mention their complete lack of empathy, compassion, and tolerance. I don’t think the adults reading this comics will be clutching their pearls in horror as they faint away. If this comics reminds someone of the boorish and rank behavior shared by a certain group of fools, then it’s just a comment of an observation. Get a grip.
My experiences with MAGAts have demonstrated to me their total lack of self-confidence, astounding insecurity, and inability to conduct research, or rational thought, beyond tribal gossip and fascist oriented electronic media. In brief, they are trembling cowards unable to cope with an extremely complex world unless they have a “daddy” figure to rely on. Regardless how decrepit and corrupt their object of worship really is.
Many foodstuffs have their natural appearance “enhanced” to promote sales. Carbon monoxide is injected into red meat for that purpose. Food coloring Aprored is added to salami, pepperoni, etc. to make redder reds. Cereals are infamous for a variety of food coloring additives, no matter if the stuff would look fine without. It’s all about what the boys in marketing, customer research, and the executives want in their endless quest for the dollar. Your wellbeing is NOT considered.
Dropping a load of manure would be more fitting, but how could you ever hope to match the Mt. Everest of excrement already there?