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  1. about 14 hours ago on Moderately Confused

    Remember when social media wasn’t dominated by Dumb*ss billionaires and a Orange Horror Clown promoting outright lies, fascism, and insanity?

  2. 1 day ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Well, perhaps you could take your wife on vacation to one of the more progressive countries. English is a well understood second language in much of the world. Getting to mingle with the locals, asking them herself how they live and how well they do may help convince her that emigration is the smart choice.

  3. 1 day ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Thanks for reminding me that the entire human race is not necessarily rushing like lemmings to the abyss of authoritarianism, crony capitalism, and lives that by design must be nasty, brutish, and short. It’s so easy here in Gilead to become cynical, discouraged and depressed. The psychopathic obsessions with religion, guns, raucous greed and the desire to absolutely control (and destroy) others because of gender, skin tone, and culture are omnipresent. The existence of civilized nations, such as Scandinavia, gives hope that we are not devolving back to the dark ages. Again, thank you.

  4. 1 day ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Dunno, maybe you can tell us your vetted news sources when you claimed Biden kidnapped over 100,000 immigrant kids in the “La Cucaracha” ‘toon a few days ago? If you’re gonna lie, at least don’t lie stupid…

  5. 1 day ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Me? “uncivil” IYO? Wowsers! You are ridiculously fragile, ain’t cha? Clutching your pearls and fainting away at the prospect of someone creatively calling cons the hypocritical horror clowns they really are. That guy they profess to follow said: “Pharisees, you are gleaming white-washed tombs filled with bones and rotting flesh..”. You can’t get it, but it’s a spot-on description of a con cult and culture of arrogance and oppression. Call a spade, a spade, call evil, evil. He did.

  6. 3 days ago on La Cucaracha

    Next.. the nightmare Dentist!

  7. 3 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Ah, Earwig, consuming the vast quantity of Flavorade of your Orange cult leader, has taken you so far the rabbit hole you could not even accurately read my comment. I don’t really care for the Lame-o-crats. Didn’t mention Biden, Hunter, Russia, etc., etc. etc.. Nope, not convinced that the con moral “code” is nothing but smug self-righteousness. Pharisees, candy coating their depravity with euphemisms dripping with intolerance, fear, hatred, bigotry, and a real love of authoritarianism to stuff it down everyones’ throat. Can’t go along with those “reasonable” sentiments. I’ve read/watched the nauseating pablum of Fox and propaganda friends. Ever try media outside the ditto head box like the BBC, CBC, Deutchwire, etc.? Didn’t think so. Jesus, ever heard of him? Had a saying that you can tell what kind of tree you have by the fruit it bears. Let’s see what your Orange god king produces. Betcha they’re manchineel apples. Enjoy your fruit salad while you wash it down with more cult juice. Bon’ appetit.

  8. 4 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Frogs will inherit (what’s left of) the earth.. :)

  9. 4 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    Scandinavia with it’s transparent democracies, broad social safety net, and guardrails against hyper-capitalism have now, indeed, become “the shining beacon on the hill” (Ray-gun’s catch phrase) for those attempting to escape oppression. Far from perfect, no doubt, but the cultures are not so much mired in willful ignorance.

  10. 5 days ago on Tom the Dancing Bug

    So many Americans have been so caught up in the mythology of being in the “greatest country on earth”. Until the reality of American oligarchy and the horrors it brings can’t be further ignored. Billionaires are NOT your friends. They need you to press the buttons, fill out the forms, and fix the machinery, but you are only a warm body, not a person. Easily replaced, easily disposed of.