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  1. almost 10 years ago on Luann

    Wow guys way to jump to “Tiff is such a slut!” almost immediately. She hasn’t done anything wrong. She made a joke about her make up, and then went to show Gunther that he had helped her. Her robe is COMPLETELY CLOSED. Just look at the art. It’s closed. She’s not flashing him. Gunther is the one who is making it more than it is. For those of you complaining about the “together” part…she was simply saying that she wanted to contribute. She wanted, for once, to not be the selfish brat who gets As based on hard work that she didn’t actually do. And even if she WAS hitting on him…who cares? Just because you personally have no game doesn’t mean that the rest of us don’t. Everyone is entitled to their own sexual freedom. It’s a little bit creepy that you think that you should be able to dictate what every single person does in the bedroom.