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  1. almost 10 years ago on Red and Rover

    I am a Red and Rover fan, and I completely get that this is a comic centered around the bond between a boy and his dog. In fact, that is one of the reasons I like the strip because I had a close bond with my childhood dog and I can relate to it, however, I also had an even stronger bond with my childhood cat. Her name was Nada, and she would walk down to the bus stop with me every morning; she’d follow me all on her own. Nada would sit and watch me get on to the bus, and then continue to watch as the bus whisked me off to school. In the afternoons, my cat could always be seen sprinting down the driveway, eager to greet me as soon as the bus dropped me off when I came home. She had numerous of other affectionate ways of letting me know how much she missed me anytime I was away from her, but since this particular strip had to do with going to school and coming home, I felt it appropriate to share this specific thing that Nada would do for me that made me feel loved by her.