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Speckhen Free

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  1. about 2 months ago on Betty

    Or one of the party coop games: something like Just One or Pictures. Sillier games that don’t take forever to play.

  2. 4 months ago on F Minus

    If you don’t know it already, you might enjoy Existential Comics – current offering is a Plato vs. Nietzsche strip.

  3. 7 months ago on Cul de Sac

    That is why Kick the Can is a better game than Hide and Seek. You can run home to kick the can whenever you want, and that means you are then free to play while It keeps seeking the others.

  4. 7 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    That only applies to the Canadian prairies. The Rocky Mountains, the Laurentians, British Columbia, the coasts, the boreal forest, etc. aren’t that way at all.

  5. 8 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Have you driven southern Ontario to Winnipeg? If you’re leaving from around London, ON, you are first going east, and so that means traffic – it’s usually heavy, and a lot of trucks, all the way to Sudbury. Then on to Thunder Bay and that means the north shore of Lake Superior – the rocky scenery is stunning but you have to pay attention and there’s a lot of twists and turns. Finally the stretch from Thunder Bay through Dryden, etc. – still a lot of rocks, etc. This is not straightforward prairie driving. Moreover you’d now find it pretty hard to make it from anywhere in Saskatchewan to Vancouver in a day – the traffic is much heavier. We’ve recently done southern Alberta to Vancouver in a day, but it’s very long and not fun.

  6. 11 months ago on Betty

    If I’m taking advantage of the bookstore’s skills – their selection of books, the physical copies to browse and decide if they are worthwhile – without buying from them, then I am stealing their work. If I discover a book by browsing for it in a bookstore, I buy the book there. If you are happy NOT having bookstores to browse in, then buy your books wherever you like – but I agree with Betty, I actually see this as a valuable service that I’m willing to pay for.

  7. about 1 year ago on Betty

    Maybe? Or maybe it’s unintelligible. Yes, descriptivist approaches to grammar are fine – but it’s also true some students write papers in which it’s honestly impossible to see what is meant. And when you ask them, the students don’t know themselves.

  8. over 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    I wear a slip when needed. They are still available in stores – someone must be buying them

  9. over 1 year ago on For Better or For Worse

    Spoiler: Usually a spoiler is signalled by stating it is a spoiler at the start of the comment. In this case, nixie224 could have said “Spoiler about the puppies” in one comment, and then in the comment below posted that the Patterson adopt one. That way anyone who wanted to avoid spoilers could do so. Otherwise anyone who wants to avoid spoilers must exclude themselves from all comments.

    We have a nice community on gocomics – why not try to make it work for everyone?

  10. over 1 year ago on Betty

    Good point! Anecdotally I think people on FaceTime project more, so louder – but I wonder if that’s true or just my own annoyance distorting my perception.