Living here in Florida, we DREAM of cold weather. it’s been chilly here lately where we now are wearing pants and sweaters. And drinking hot chocolate. LOL
Movies today are terrible with acoustics and have confusing plots to show off all the tech wizardry of explosions and gun fights. I’m as bad as Rat, but turning on the closed captions DOES help to some degree!
I now put all my socks in a laundry bag before laundering them. I got tired of losing them. My husband refuses to do this and…you guessed it. His socks keep disappearing.
I have some gray but not enough to leave my hair alone. And I have extremely thinning hair. I would look unkempt if I left it alone, so I pay exorbitant amounts of money for blonde, which hides the gray and makes my visible scalp less noticeable. I envy my friends who had thick, black hair who now look stunning with their silver locks! It doesn’t work for all of us.
It was 1963 when they told us we would “soon” be switching to the Metric System. Uh huh. Here I sit, collecting Social Security, and it’s STILL not happening other than 2 liter soda bottles.
Less than they do now?