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  1. over 3 years ago on Doonesbury

    I was 19

  2. over 8 years ago on Doonesbury

    I have often heard that we have met the enemy and it is us in connection with climatic disruption. I disagree and I believe Bernie would agree with me. The enemy is not us, but the socially enabled capitalistic economy that was designed and then “tweaked” by the rich and successful to maximize profits and disregard planetary life support systems in the process. Violence is endemic in that capitalism, which is after all just a creation of short sighted humanity. If we remove the top 1% the next 2% will just rise to fill the void getting stronger with each new rendition. Cutting the heads off the Hydra is worthless, as history has shown time and again. (Violence begets violence.) Humanity must excise the cancer from the of the beast, the endemic violence of capitalism, which will kill the beast as surely as it will kill the rest of us. I do not feel I would have as issue with capitalism if it worked for the well being of humanity and planetary life support systems first and foremost with limited personal wealth second. Kill the “violence” but retain the surely to be emancipated beast. At this point we have no time evolve a new “beast” but hopefully nurture it back to life in a manor that we can then collar and leash the beast to help in the survival and advancement of all species for all time.

  3. over 9 years ago on Doonesbury

    It makes no difference where one gets their appetite as long as they eat at home.