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  1. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    IMO, You’re not a man if you don’t know the simple concept of changing a car tire. Hit the road Jack and don’t you come back!

  2. almost 7 years ago on The Other Coast

    I have a rescue, from Inuvik, NWT, Canada. She also doesn’t play with dog toys, but will chase and play with a ball outdoors, not interested in playing indoors.

  3. almost 7 years ago on The Other Coast

    Dogs didn’t live as long as they do now, so commercial dog food is one of the reasons, yes there are plenty of bad dog foods out there as much as there is good, unfortunately most people tend to feed their dogs with their wallet/purse, thinking cheap dog food is perfectly fine.

  4. almost 7 years ago on Luann

    Love is blind, had an issue when I was 17 with my mom, over her abusive boyfriend who was a loser, anyhow I disappeared from her life shortly after that, I didn’t re-connect with her until I was 24yrs old, There was no contact between me & her at all through those years. Until she finally kicked him out.

  5. almost 7 years ago on Wizard of Id

    Johnny Hart’s grandson now does the comic, since 2010, Mason Mastroianni took over the comic completely after Jeff Parker left in 2015