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  1. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    Another dream sequence. I get the feeling we’ll eventually reach a point where what we learned about Endtown becomes relevant to a forewarning Wally receives. I’ve always said they needs to go find Wally, but it’s looking like Wally will end up returning to endtown in some compacity.

  2. over 6 years ago on Endtown

    I appreciate that Jacob isn’t putting blame on what she did. He’s right in what’s being stated here. The guy might be an ass, but he isn’t stupid.

  3. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    Well, it’s fairly clear that that rats aren’t a “natural” transformation. They’re clearly part of Endtown’s initial design to keep a peace of sort at any cost.

    That said, Colonel Custard here is once again forgetting something important. No one gets through a war without casualties. As Marksom and Jacob said, “You’ll be at war with Endtown itself.” Well they just declared open hostility right here. Their only option now it to immediately dispose of all opposition. Given Arron doesn’t want to end the comic strip here, looks like we’re going topside again!

    Even so, “your kind” is a more then slightly telling angle on the same polarity that struck Unity. I admit being a little.. well, stuck on this problem. Even if we assume an external takeover, it’s back to square one with a very top-heavy structure. Two questions abound.1# How do you teach the people of Endtown to forbade such polarized thinking on their own.2# What do you do to/with those who simply can never be taught? IE, will never change.

    That’s where a lot of my more “bloodthirsty” previous comments came from. …I can’t think of anything else, not at this time anyway.

  4. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    Jack isn’t going to take this laying down, and that means war. I somehow doubt he’s going to survive what needs to be done. Or if he does, he’ll have to hop it the same as those he springs. But it’s not just external help that’s needed here. While the arch once again returns outside, the “currently” smug rats are creating one hell of a future headache.

    Military leaders forget that “civilians” don’t like being suppressed. They are going to be at war with Endtown itself now. I don’t care how iron your hand is, you won’t ALWAYS be strong. It waxes and wains. If they crunch down on Endtown without any finece at all, then Endtown itself “will” “eat” “them” when they inevitably need help in return later.

    The question is when. In the case of the rats, they have enough “chromies” that there isn’t that internal strife of shooting your own people. So removing them means taking advantage of that fact by waiting until they’re under enough internal pressure that a metaphysical “surgical scalple” can’t be blocked. Even then though, I’m seriously hoping fresh blood can be found that knows how to also say “stop it” in a way endtown’s residents can actually understand. One way or another, this is going to get bloody before it gets better.

  5. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    You make a good point actually! Whoever controls the rats controls Endtown. The place is built in a very top-down manner with the upper facilities having remarkable control over the artificial environment below. Unfortunately, the rats INHERENTLY and IRREVOCABLY seek a greater authority to follow. They’re like weak minded stormtroopers. Easily manipulated and not remotely interested in self-constructed sense.

  6. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    I seriously doubt his opposition has such mundane intent. It’s not just upper-order either. The problem lies within Endtown’s residents themselves. They have no “perspective” on what’s happening or what they’re doing. Without that, no amount of “upper management” will insure any kind of stability.

  7. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    Ah! This was the catalyst I was looking for. Jacob’s conspirator is getting nervous, and nerves equal desperation. But in that state, he/she/they are forgetting that NO ONE escapes a dirty deal unscathed.

    Jacob’s in an undoubtedly rough spot right now though. I somehow doubt he’s going to stay in power much longer. That doesn’t mean he isn’t going to excrement in his oppositions’s cornflakes though. With control over the rats lost, Jacob is going to use his connections to back-stab in his own way.

    First of all, he knows who benefits/wants to see this whole mess resolved. (If not willingly, then out of desperation.) Secondly, he obviously knows something of the exterior colonies. And third, he has the connections to spring an escape if that’s what it takes.

    If I where to guess Arron’s tactics, this is a good chance to bring back a very different Flask as well. Let us suppose a return to Endtown with reinforcements. Even if you secure that, a genuinely successful requires deep insider knowledge of the place’s deepest inner workings. We’re talking a down right impressive level beyond the rats knowledge. I don’t know anyone beyond flask, Marx or the Oracle who remotely possess that.

    My point is “once again” we need an OUTSIDE source here who isn’t spoiled by an isolated existence. It’s time for some fresh blood that won’t put up with bullshit. Or as my dad once said, can say “stop it!” and make those words stick.

  8. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    I also clarified that the tactics I described are a VERY temporary fix. Still, I also admit some very real disgust towards much of Endtown in those comments. Am I wrong to find most people stupid and shallow though? “The best argument against Democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.” Winston Churchill

  9. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    Well, I can see where my own proposed solution uses fear and ruthlessness in grabbing immediate control. Doing bad things with good intent. I don’t see any other way though. These people are too isolated in their own problem to see what they’re doing to themselves.

  10. almost 7 years ago on Endtown

    I will augment my suggestion with one MAJOR consideration though. The problem with such a move is it MUST be temporary, and those who remain as a result integrated into the upstairs element. You can only enact a hostile takeover for so long.

    Look up how England conquered Wales if you want an example. They had a temporary period of castles and stone-authority for some time. But that period of time was very brief and costly. True victory came from offering trade and a better life to the common human, rich and poor alike. The poverty remained, but it was enough to persuade most welsh natives to stop fighting. Final victory was atchived this way across a five hundred year span.