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Addled Brain Free

Carrollton, Georgia USA

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  1. about 17 hours ago on Mike Lester

    Geezer, I’m glad you acknowledge that we owe something to our Country and to our Countrymen for the good lives and benefits we enjoy. Deciding things like the amount you ask about is one reason why we have a Congress, to decide such things.

  2. 1 day ago on Mike Lester

    Oh, hooglah, do you believe a person ought to be able to freely surf on a system that’s been developed for hundreds of years, that’s been plowed and fertilized for them to be able to plant their business, with the shelter of laws that makes it so, if they should fail, they’re shielded from having to pay back their debts ?

    They’re leaning on and trusting a system and structure of transportation, commerce and protections that has developed, supports and stands behind a trading medium, currency, so that the businessperson can trade with ease and not have to worry if the money is worthless. ..And if they should get cheated in business, there’s a ready-made system of courts through which, at no charge to them, they can arbitrate their complaints and assess damage.

    You think the person should enjoy all those benefits that they had no stake or effort in developing and not have to acknowledge or support the system that did it for them ?

  3. 1 day ago on Mike Lester

    If the wealth was garnered entirely on one’s own, with no help from government or the community, then they can say they totally own it. However, if they worked within American commerce, or American laws, systems and infrastructure, then some of the wealth belongs to the community and they should give back as they have received.

  4. 1 day ago on Mike Luckovich

    cherns, all who took risks to fight against that illegal, immoral war were heroes who had America’s best interests at heart.

  5. 3 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    Isnrchrd, do you feel the 7000 lives and $8 trillion has prevented that from happening ?

    Vengeance and threats don’t stop terrorists. As you noted in your own comment, revenge begets revenge.

  6. 3 days ago on Mike Luckovich

    Recluse, don’t you consider the inadvisable, retributive, misguided wars in Iran and Afghanistan as causing turbulence for our Country ? They lost us 7000 citizens’ lives, cost our children and grandchildren (because we didn’t pay for it, we put it on the card) $8 trillion and cost us much hard-fought-for good will around the World.

  7. 5 days ago on Nick Anderson

    It’s bad when you have to disguise quotes from the Bible from the censors.

  8. 5 days ago on Gary Varvel

    ..Turns out it’s the Republicans’ fault.

  9. 5 days ago on Lisa Benson

    End, thank you for a reasonable post. Please keep in mind not to confuse Palestinians with terrorists. It wasn’t the common Palestinians who rejected the peaceful and helpful initiatives by Israel, it was the terrorists. It’s not the civilians who reject the two-state solution, it’s the terrorists. Also, remember, the Netanyahu government rejects the two-state solution.

    If Israel would make an effort to give the innocents a break, I believe they would have an easier time finding peace. That’s all I’m saying. We need to get the terrorists the hell out of there but punishing everyday Palestinians isn’t the way to do it in my opinion.

  10. 5 days ago on Lisa Benson


    I hate to think it, BMR but, it doesn’t surprise me anymore that some Americans would choose cheaters, partisans and bigots over honest justices because of politics. I think that’s what our beloved Country has become.

    I would hope all justices, not just those on the Supreme Court, would understand our Constitution is designed to grant power as well as limit power, to define rights as well as limit rights and to weigh one contingent’s rights and responsibilities against others.