Translations by humans of texts written by humans based on the myths of their time. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world similar events were occurring, just with different Gods involved. Humans have always needed stories to explain existence. Today the stories are based on observations, measurements and experiments that can be repeated with the same results – that’s what we call science. Gods are no longer necessary.
13.7 billion years is the best estimate of the age of the universe based on astronomical measurements. It may be older, it is certainly not younger. The number of stars in the universe is also an estimate, as is the number of grains of sand. Both numbers are huge. The age of the earth at 4.5 billion years has both astronomical and geological measurements to strongly support it and the hominid fossil record just keeps on expanding year after year with the new finds confirming that upright walking apes go back 100,000’s of years in their evolutionary history.These scientific facts will be adjusted if new discoveries warrant such changes, but the overall picture will not change. The universe is very, very, very big and has been here for much, much, much longer than humans. If you believe that it is all the work of some supernatural something, has been done just to produce us and that this something has a personal interest in each and every human inhabitant of this planet, your brain works very differently than mine.
The universe is 13.7 billion years old. There are more stars in it than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of this tiny insignificant speck we call Earth, which has only existed for 4.5 billion years.Modern Humans have been here for about 200,000 years. Given these facts, belief in a personal god is completely irrational.
There are 4 graphs that I used to show to my students: human population growth in the last 2000 years, fossil fuel combustion since the start of the industrial revolution, the Mauna Loa CO2 concentration graph and global average temperature since meteorological recording began. They tell a tale and it’s not Lavendar’s.
The only country we have to fear invading us is our neighbour to the south. They would not tolerate any other country getting a foothold on the North American continent.
There’s a significant difference between belief in a universe that needs a creator and belief that this creator did it all for you. In the last 3000 or so years, we have learned a lot more about this universe. We have a good idea how old it is – 13.7 billion years – how big it is – there are more stars in the sky than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of the earth – and how long we have been here – about 200,000 years. To believe that this creator has a personal interest in our totally insignificant lives in this immense existence is, to me, completely illogical. And there is no evidence for for such a creator.
Sexing penguins (zoos have to do it so they know who’s who) requires taking blood and then looking at the chromosomes. There are no external sex variations to look for. And did you know that bird sex chromosomes work the opposite way to mammals. The females have the two different ones called ZW, the males are ZZ,
Translations by humans of texts written by humans based on the myths of their time. Meanwhile, in other parts of the world similar events were occurring, just with different Gods involved. Humans have always needed stories to explain existence. Today the stories are based on observations, measurements and experiments that can be repeated with the same results – that’s what we call science. Gods are no longer necessary.