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This is so wrong! But sooo funny!!
Best mom ever!!!
You can find all the rocks you want in your heads-you’re like the whiney a$$ kid who thinks the more he howls, the more likely he is to get his way.
They were overrated then and are still going for the hype
You did it to yourselves all you a$$ kissers. He beat you up and you just kept asking for more. Just go away now.
Oh you sad, sad puppy
Soooo—-nothing about your hero being arraigned Stevie? Hmm, Biden’s teeth, yeah-let’s go with deriding Biden’s teeth.
I know what you mean. Sometimes all you can do is laugh. You’d think at some point the idiocy would dissipate but there seems to be a never-ending supply
Wonder how many pro golfers will find spines and refuse to play for a group that is so bankrupt in moral quality. I’m guessing none
This is so wrong! But sooo funny!!