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  1. over 9 years ago on Luann

    I’d love for this to take a twist and have Tiffany pregnant, just because it would be dramatic obviously and make for a great story arc. I don’t really think it will go that road though at all. It’s just a family strip after all. Most likely, I think that they maybe just flirted, possibly kissed and Gunther freaked out at Quill cause he tends to over react with change. He might also be confused about his feelings, and feel guilty for developing feelings for Tiffany so soon after Rosa (which was a big deal for him). He’s changed a lot from his trip and he’s still trying to figure out who he is I think.

    In any case, this relationship will be way more exciting than Quill/Luann no matter what happens/doesn’t happen between them. At least they have fault and depth of character. I am so done with Quill, he is way too “perfect”. He has zero faults, no matter what happens he’s always has the perfect answers for Luann, Gunther, her parents, etc. I’d actually find it interesting if he cheated on Luann just to see wonder boy do something. Am I the only one who wants him to become more realistic or just leave?