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Seems like there might also be a problem with the breaker and/or GFCI
So… Earth, then
Fun fact, “eye of newt” is actually an old euphemism for mustard seeds!
I guess I’m weird in that I cherish that my hair has been going gray for a while and I like that I look a bit older and more mature now, and also people haven’t treated me poorly for it.
I don’t see C’s comment as bad though? Just a commentary on how Sunday strips are a bit behind and haven’t gotten the updated hairstyle yet.
I always appreciate how OJ has such good representation of (possibly undiagnosed) adult ADHD.
Maybe it’s “Gallagher angling to get sued by Disney” week
The skunk should introduce himself to the furry fandom. PLENTY of skunk ladies there.
He meant ladies that are skunks, right?
Oh cool, reading up on her I learned about a part of Nancy history I’d never heard of before! I didn’t even know there were comic books.
At this point Janis is just playing along with the fourth wall thing because it’s easier than arguing with Arlo.
Seems like there might also be a problem with the breaker and/or GFCI