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For a Just and Peaceful World Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 18 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    We currently have better options. As President of the Senate, Vice President Kamala Harris brings considerable experience with her. As for Donald “guilty on all counts” Trump’s first Vice President, Mike Pence was lucky to survive the Insurrection of January 6, an insurrection initiated by Donald Trump. So Trump’s running mate will be an infinitely less qualified Vice President than Kamala Harris and will enter the job knowing that Trump would be more than happy to throw his second VP “under the bus”. Now for the kicker, what kind of trash will the United States get for a president if Trump wins but is later forced from office by legal actions or old age? The Republicans have created a "lose lose’ situation.

  2. about 21 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Just one more Trump slam.

    Google: “This is the worst president in American history,” citing a group of historians who earlier this year rated Trump last among the country’s 46 presidents.

  3. about 22 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Based on Trump’s performance at the debate, only a fool would vote for Trump. Therefore, Trump has a rather good chance of winning the election.

    Google: Trump debate 2024 falsehoods lies

    Google: Trump debate 2024 Stupid people still support trump

  4. 2 days ago on Clay Bennett

    YouTube will be carrying the debates live.

    YouTube: presidential debates 2024 live

  5. 3 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I see him guilty on all 34 felony counts, running for President of the United States and ready to give Ukraine to Putin.

  6. 6 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Forbes: Biden Vs. Trump 2024 Election Polls: Trump’s Post-Conviction Losing Streak Continues

  7. 6 days ago on Doonesbury

    Be afraid, be very afraid.

    YouTube: Lawrence: Donald Trump is proposing the ‘worst economic policy in U.S. history’

  8. 6 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Google: Why does Donald Trump act like a child

    Google: Trump, Who Has the Mind of a Child, Still Thinks the Classified Documents He Got Indicted for Keeping Belong to Him

    Trump at his worst.

    Youtube: Lawrence: Donald Trump is proposing the ‘worst economic policy in U.S. history’

  9. 7 days ago on Clay Bennett

    Be afraid.


    “The judge handling Trump’s classified-documents case has shown that she’s not fit for the task.”

    And why?: “She was an appointee of Trump himself. And she had already raised concerns with her rulings in favor of Trump in a precursor to the case, which were later reversed by a sharply critical appeals court.”

  10. 8 days ago on Clay Bennett

    “In 2023, Louisiana ranked 40th for college readiness, an improvement from 42nd in 2019.”

    Google: Louisiana school rankings