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True that
Ba dum tsh
Isn’t Gordon Ramsey British though? He started in Britain although I guess he is very popular in America too I suppose
If I remember correctly they are Ollie’s sister kids.
Honestly, UG is a breath of fresh air with a cartoon that just doesn’t take itself seriously and just has dumb fun with the premise, I can see why Gil enjoys it’s for sure not the best show around but far from the worst.
Huh, neat :-)
Honestly, I just enjoy the strip as a little bit of niceness and something relaxed in comparison to all the crazier comic strips :-)
I suppose you’ll be disappointed then xD If I may ask why would he be fired? :-)
I don’t think that’s really the case with the strip and you’re reading too deeply into it at least what I think.
Must resist urge to say if that was a Jojo reference and look like an anime neeeeerd.. oh wait
True that