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  1. over 8 years ago on Endtown

    Kirbee is one of my favorite comic characters ever. This is so painful.

  2. over 8 years ago on Endtown

    One goes straight from “We need the fox” to the “The fox can’t help us”, while the other goes from “We don’t need the fox” to “trust the fox”. Such perfect panic.

  3. over 9 years ago on Endtown

    1. The stolen “device” has been moving for quite some time, but we haven’t been able to locate it despite the tracking circuit.

    2. The device has not moved in quite some time.

    3. We are sure it is in the hands of mutants, but, despite locating and purging many of them in this area, we have located no lair or tunnel entrance.

    Conclusion: The mutants who stole the device have been traveling deep below ground, and are now resting in some sort of lair. Send in a ground-piercing weapon and wipe it out.

    Makes perfect sense!

  4. over 9 years ago on Endtown

    Maybe they’re invisible, maybe not.

    Either way, they’re leaving three sets of tracks to follow.