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Artistic Misfit Free

Bit of a cartoonist myself. Working on a graphic novel series.

Recent Comments

  1. almost 5 years ago on Big Nate

    It’s a funny comic, sir. Nate is not real.

  2. almost 5 years ago on Heart of the City

    I have to ask: is this a new continuity or the same one?

  3. almost 5 years ago on Heart of the City

    I don’t read the funnies anymore, but one I keep going back to every once in a blue is Heart of the City. Everytime I come back, something happens. Either Heart goes to a new school. Heart gets a new hairdo. Or… Heart gets a new artist.

    I thought I clicked on the wrong comic yesterday. Honestly, I think criticsm against the redesigns is fair. None of the characters are recognizable and just look like new characters. The only way I figured out who Heart was, was by her skirt.

    However, I know Mr. Tatulli didn’t want to continue drawing the strip and I respect that. I could tell for about 5 years he didn’t want to. Heart was probably 50% reruns a year and Lio was updated consistently. Then there’s the dream sequences. Nobody can force him to keep doing this. And he approves of the new cartoonist. It is what it is.

    I’m willing to keep coming back to see where this new interpretation goes though. I will say, this one strip about ranking the 9 Star Wars movies felt like something Mr. Tatulli would draw.

  4. about 5 years ago on Heart of the City

    When? And was that storyline about? Not saying you’re wrong, I’m actually curious (though I doubt it was a big focus other than being just lightly touched upon like the other mature gags)

  5. about 5 years ago on Heart of the City

    There’s a point where it won’t be the same comic though. If that does happen, it’s probably time to retire Heart.

  6. about 5 years ago on Heart of the City

    I used to read comics regularly about 5 years ago. I came back to revisit my old favorites and was surprised to see how much Heart has changed. If Mr. Tatulli is reading this, I think it’s a great idea how you change your strip every few years. I think comic strips are dying because of cartoonists’ fear to evolve the medium or at least their own creation (such as aging the characters). I like your risks. It makes your older strips feel more nostalgic as well. Aging Heart brings so much more new storylines to the table, while being the same old Heart.

    I know it’s your character and all, but just please just don’t age Heart any further though. Because you’d have to mention all the things that come with a girl her age and just… no.

  7. over 5 years ago on Big Nate

    He actually had two more girlfriends if you didn’t know. One around 2000 a more recent one in 2015. But yeah, it would be EXCELLENT if Nate could meet his mother but I feel like Mr.Peirce should save that storyline for Nate’s 20th anniversary. He should also bring back older characters like Angie and Kelly even if it’s just for one more time. Some character development is all I could ask for. And Mr. Peirce if you’re reading this, consider all of the possibilities if you allowed these characters to grow. I’m not even talking about physically but mentally. You would be opening up room for more stories and gags. Just because Nate is a cartoon character doesn’t mean he has to be 2 dimensional.

  8. over 5 years ago on Big Nate

    Exactly! (though the comic really ended for me in 2016) I feel like comic strips in general are dying because the creators are unwilling to take risks to further evolve the medium. If Mr. Peirce just made SOME changes then he wouldn’t even have to end the comic just yet. Heart of the City is a good example of what some major changes could do to your strip.

  9. over 5 years ago on Big Nate

    I know how to spell the man’s name, it was just a typo. Chilax.

  10. over 5 years ago on Big Nate

    I know this might be random because I don’t follow Big Nate anymore. I just decided to stop by after having it on my mind recently. Anyways here’s my hot take on Big Nate: The whole IQ storyline from 2016 ruined Nate’s character. Here’s why. The whole lazy genius thing has been done over and over again. It’s a cliche, especially in comic strip. I used to think Nate’s character was the opposite of that cliche. What would’ve made him unique was if the reason he talks so highly of himself was to convince himself that HE is great. The reason he has a thing against smarter kids like Gina, Ellen, and Francis was because deep down, he wish could be like them. He wish he could get good grades. He wish he was smart. But he just wasn’t. The reason Nate wouldn’t try on his classwork was because he didn’t believe in his own ability to do so. I remember an older comic where Nate said something like “Why would someone spend so much time with someone that they don’t like.” Then Francis and Teddy left him by himself. So I thought that his effort to hide his low self esteem was actually turning people away from him. I feel like this would’ve made Nate more special (and relatable) was if this theory was a reality. Not that he isn’t already special, because that spiky haired kid is still a great memory of my childhood. At the end of the day though, it’s Mr.Pierce’s character. Not mine. So he could do whatever he want with HIS character. But I just wish he had different choices for the character that would’ve been less cliche than the “lazy genius”. Any thoughts?