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Cheaters never prosper. (I wish)
I’m trying to work up the willpower to hit the ski machine.
Calvin’s parent can let that college fund slide a bit.
Our male Most Likely to Succeed graduated from the Air Force Academy, put in his 20 years (at least). I think the female became a teacher. It’s been awhile.
Old Smeller let covid run wild. Let’s see what he does with bird flu.
Is Mallard Fillmore still around?
“slowLY.” A teacher should know when to use an adverb.
Visited a college buddy at his parents’ house. Big partially finished canoe in the attic. “I worked on it for four years!”
I’m looking at the small staircase — “Uh, Jim?”
“That’s why I stopped working on it!”
It’s been alleged that there are more photos of Old Smeller with Epstein than there are of Old Smeller with Barron.
Sure, the DRESS is the problem.
Cheaters never prosper. (I wish)