
distortion Free

Recent Comments

  1. 13 days ago on Brevity

    Santa knows.

  2. 13 days ago on Strange Brew

    Don’t robots have some kind of honor code?

  3. 13 days ago on Chuckle Bros

    A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

  4. 13 days ago on Brewster Rockit

    Will be a thing of the past if project 2025 kicks in.

  5. 24 days ago on Brewster Rockit

    Invisible fences are another story. My brother got a shock collar for his Boxer to train her not to jump up on the furniture. He only used it one time.

  6. 24 days ago on The Flying McCoys


  7. 24 days ago on Loose Parts

    It does indeed.

  8. 24 days ago on The Fusco Brothers

    Better than Joe Dirt.

  9. 24 days ago on The Argyle Sweater

    The devil is imaginary.

  10. 24 days ago on Frank and Ernest

    But the place one lives is a choice too.