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- over 1 year ago on Tom the Dancing Bug
over 1 year ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
Deflection. You brought the culture war. Blaming the victim is always step #1.
over 1 year ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
Excuse me. Who brought a culture war?
over 2 years ago
on Doonesbury
Do you read anything you post? Read your sensationalist screed all the way down to the bottom, where the claims are described as “false” by PolitiFact.
Note also where the hospital says it allows some surgeries in special cases to save lives. Hospitals performing surgeries does not mean “grooming.” Your claims are paranoid and delusional. You refuse to recognize that transgender people exist.
over 2 years ago
on Doonesbury
“It is gender mutilation to surgically and medically destroy the physical and hormonal sexuality of a child.”
Fortunately, no one does that. No prevarication is needed to deny what you are saying, since it is an outrageous claim for which you have presented zero evidence.
You’re doing exactly as I said—-making stuff up to get yourself wound up. And your link has nothing to do with anything. The film is not for children but it is about children. If you actually read the article you would know that.
What is wrong with you? What kind of twisted freakish mind gets off on making up stories about children being groomed and exploited? Do you hang around pediatric hospitals in a trench coat?
over 2 years ago
on Doonesbury
The main beam in your eye, based on the evidence you’ve presented here, is that you are a liar and a slanderer. The slander happens when you take facts you don’t like or don’t understand and convert them to lies that enrage you but that you understand. The lies make you feel better.
Here, you have demonstrated that you don’t understand why or how people might feel bad about their physical sex in a way that hurts them. You deny that such people have contributed to suicide rates for centuries and that this is a problem. You deny that we can help such people by giving them what they want. That such people exist upsets you. You probably believe Jesus is the answer, though this has been shown to be false, since your kind continue to hurt people in his name.
Therefore, the increase in access to solutions for these people angers you. You justify your anger by cloaking it in religious language and limited concepts such as “faith.” You write things like “body damaging suirgery to remove natural features and convert to something unnatural” and you feign anger that people provide these services for money, even though this is how all medical services are provided. You even invented the nonsense phrase “gender mutilation of children.” (You should a consult a dictionary before you rant.)
And then you lecture us on “the lens of your worldview” and “projection.” The lens of my worldview is humanism and rationality. The lens of your worldview is fear and hatred. Please stop seeing your priest or pastor and start seeing a therapist for professional help.
over 3 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
You are oddly like a talking doll.
“Saving glaciers requires adding mass to them. If you do not add mass, then they recede.”
Is this what you think we have been talking about all day?
“If you want to maintain inland fresh water resources, you must improve the movement of water from the seas to those resources.”
Most people learn about the water cycle in fourth grade.
“It is so good to hear the honest opinions of persons who are so much more intelligent, and for whom any dishonesty is a clear waste of time.”
Agreed. Perhaps I can experience this elsewhere.
“I don’t pretend to be smart. What would be the point? Such a deception would be instantly obvious.”
You have spent two days proving that you are something other than smart. You can probably stop now.
over 3 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
“Water regulates temperatures. This, and the other volatiles in the atmosphere, are why Earth’s temperatures don’t swing as do those on the Moon.”
You seem to have a good grasp of the basics, but little else. And then you go off talking about “building glaciers.” If ONLY anyone were actually trying to do that.
It’s clear that you are attempting to project a theory of global warming that ignores CO2. For this you need a higher level of skill in your fakery. Note however that the Dunning-Kruger effect does not encompass deliberate dishonesty such as yours, however deluded you might be.
over 3 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
Careful reading reveals that you’re resurrecting decades-old myths here.
(1) The data are skewed away from the poles. Temperatures are actually lower. LOL(2) H2O causes all atmospheric warming, not CO2, which is minimized by H2O etc.
Therefore you are doing a dance to ignore CO2 and to claim that H2O not only removes (how much?) CO2 but that water vapor is for some reason “limited” in the atmosphere, which on your argument would increase CO2 but for some reason CO2 is not the problem either way. That seems like a hole.
Then this other stuff: a cold and shallow atmosphere? Relative to what—-100 million years ago? You’re all over the map. Here’s a simple writeup some people have found useful:
over 3 years ago
on Tom the Dancing Bug
You’ve done remarkably well without reading any studies that incorporate computer modeling. But it might explain why you are stuck in the 1980s on the anthropogenicity question.
Still, your fixation with “I cannot even figure out how you will move more water a greater distance with less energy” might be an even greater impediment to your understanding. Who is moving water? How do higher temperatures represent less energy? Where in the theory of anthropogenic causation do distances necessarily increase? Might I suggest you abandon this line of unreasoning?
“polite, patient and understanding”And thoroughly dishonest. As though you’ve integrated dishonesty into your programming.