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  1. almost 9 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Those who think that mankind would be all peaceful and loving as long as there is no religion and basic needs are provided for, have clearly never belonged to a parenting group or an HOA.

  2. over 9 years ago on Non Sequitur

    Illegal immigration isn’t really all that different from outsourcing. Both rely on exploiting an underclass that will accept conditions that domestic workers will not because it’s better than what they would have otherwise. The businesses involved will justify it by saying that the domestic workers won’t do the job, ignoring the fact that DW would gladly do the jobs, just not for the lousy pay, benefits and conditions being offered to the foreign workers. The right and the left wing both have blinders regarding the issues. The right is happy to exploit the labor and castigate their own people as being “lazy” while blaming it on the other. The left is happy to keep Open Borders while demanding increasing wages and benefits that will price domestic workers out of work and ensure that it becomes a race to the bottom as it becomes an employer’s market.