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A very wise woman told me years ago, “Honey, they all look poisonous.” Agree 100%.
He can always get a new one at the lumbar yard.
First real LOL of the day. Thank you, Mr. Miller.
My kid sister had one of those push toys. Took my parents less than two full days to realize they made a BIG mistake.
Same here. Maybe GC has found a new stash of RT’s comics. Wouldn’t that be cool!
And the ones who do talk the most are usually exaggerating.
Hoppa Toppa Thi was much more…uhh…pro-active.
One false move, of course, and Mikey gets thrown under the bus. But that’s not gonna happen. He’s 100% onboard with Trump’s agenda.
Thanks for the link, Julie. I tried a bunch of times refreshing this page but only the top half-inch loaded each time.
Guhroooan. (Nice one!)
A very wise woman told me years ago, “Honey, they all look poisonous.” Agree 100%.