1946 dawn

Thechildinme Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 12 hours ago on Rose is Rose

    I just say, Jasper, I need to get DOWN!" It might take repeating, but he understands and jumps off my lap. Sometimes he gets back into the recliner, but usually he lies on the floor or gets involved in eating or playing.

  2. about 12 hours ago on Pickles

    “H” a (since deceased) friend in her late 80’s greeted me at her door with, “You’ll never guess who visited me last night!” She continued in great excitement, “My mother and brother!” Then she detailed the visit. I listened, never judging her, but wondering what it meant. When I left her house, I went over to her next door friend and related the incident. The friend hurried to “H’s” and asked permission to look at her prescription bottles. She had been prescribed (by the same physician!) three drugs from different companies, that were exactly the same, and had been overdosing each time she took them!

  3. about 12 hours ago on Pickles

    Earl calling ’em like he sees ’em!

  4. about 12 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    And my last was in early January 2021, to a place I hadn’t even dreamed of visiting, Michigan’s beautiful Keweenaw Peninsula. I knew that within a few months I’d be selling my car and become dependent on others for transportation.

  5. about 1 month ago on Pickles

    I learned that Jasper (originally abandoned and on his own for at least 2 years) will walk away from whatever is served if the bowl isn’t CLEAN every morning. I can see his point. Eat off the same dirty plate all day long? Yech!

  6. about 1 month ago on Rose is Rose

    There are already 2 couples, 2 children, Mee-Maw, Rose’s alter ego, critters galore, the angel/archangel…what did I miss? That’s a lot of characters to fit into the creative process.

  7. about 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Thank you for your patience and working with this student to eventually effect success!

  8. about 2 months ago on Rose is Rose

    The Let-it-be Tree may be on their own property.

  9. about 2 months ago on Peanuts

    I realize the strip was then and this is now, but I had totally forgotten chain letters! Now it’s SPAM and endless texts with links to nothing important, but with the expectation they will be forwarded.

  10. about 2 months ago on For Better or For Worse

    Jasper Cat insists on being fed just as I begin fixing my own meal — and times in between, as well!