You need a credit card on file to use the ink service. And some have found that if their card expired … HP shut down their printer. I had to cancel my dad’s account and had all sorts of warnings about what would stop working as we canceled the subscription. I’d much rather just buy separately. But I’ve also been burnt by ink/chips/nonsense in the past and really don’t want even more of that in my life. :)
Depends on the paper – they still had a lot of sensationalism and “fear/panic sells”. Thus the whole “above the fold” placement of stories and headlines. And newspapers still had/have a bias to them that you have to watch for. My dad had a couple of subscriptions going – for a crazy price point – and the “news” that he was getting delivered that way was … not. It was heavily editorialized points of view with a smattering of facts to make it appear legit – for anything other than local news.
That said – the Comics area was usually one of the better sections and as noted, one of the reasons many of us are likely here. :)
This – so . much . this. College was affordable before everyone could get a guaranteed loan and then the rates hiked at a crazy rate and still do. Add in that everyone was told they needed a degree, despite some people not cut out for that, and colleges seeing a cash cow from all of this loan money … and costs go through the roof for absolutely worthless pieces of paper. :/
It’s doable, but not necessarily easy. You really have to be good at the voice acting and working with others can be tricky. But you can have the feeds for the other actors going into your headset while recording so you can react appropriately. This got a lot more traction in 2020 for some reason. I think they still prefer the actors to be “in studio” for most of the work these days, but it’s still doable from home.
You need a credit card on file to use the ink service. And some have found that if their card expired … HP shut down their printer. I had to cancel my dad’s account and had all sorts of warnings about what would stop working as we canceled the subscription. I’d much rather just buy separately. But I’ve also been burnt by ink/chips/nonsense in the past and really don’t want even more of that in my life. :)