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  1. about 2 hours ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    Follow-up: If we look at Google IMAGES of spades vs shovels, we find that most shovels are shown as having sharp points, whereas most spades are shown as having flat edges. But again that makes us wonder how we’re supposed to DIG using a wide flat point, whereas we’re supposed to SHOVEL using a curved pointed tool? It simply makes no sense.

    This does however explain why human management of our one, sole planet is going so well. We can’t even agree on the name of a tool— or a spot on a deck of cards. ;D

  2. about 3 hours ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    “but I thought a spade is something small enough to be held with one hand, and if you use two hands and maybe a foot to dig with it, it’s a shovel. Am I misinformed?”

    Yes… and no, as was I until I happened across a definition. Almost.

    The information I first came across was that a spade is a digging device of any size that is used to dig— thus the pointed end. A shovel is generally intended to scoop and move things. Although in general I suspect the term shovel has come to be generally recognized to include both.

    However on researching them today (because of your post, congrats. ;D) I find that there are differing and even contradictory definitions of shovels and spades, depending on where one looks… which makes the definition itself uncertain. Some state spades have square sharp ends, while others point out that the pointed spade makes it easier to dig. Other sites say shovels can have pointed ends and are used to dig… but in that case why are they called “shovels”? Most people know the primary purpose of a shovel is to ‘shovel’ material from one area to another. Whereas a garden spade is used primarily for digging, no matter what its size.

    As stated, the definition is somewhat uncertain.

    I do however, know for a certainty the difference between a spade and a club. Except…

    I really like this site for making the issue itself humorously and perfectly unclear:


  3. about 3 hours ago on Brewster Rockit

    " but your first sentence is not true, and therefore neither is the second one…"

    I appreciate that’s your personal opinion on the matter. Doesn’t mean you’re correct.

  4. about 3 hours ago on Brewster Rockit

    Add whatever you like. The point remains.

  5. about 7 hours ago on Ink Pen

    How did a plain comic strip become yet another political commentary? Seriously people, can you not just enjoy life… and let others do the same? Please, confine your political obsessions to the political strips.

  6. about 7 hours ago on Loose Parts

    “Digital National Framework”?

    Use acronyms and we can fill in what we choose. ;D

  7. about 8 hours ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    Not to split hairs, but in this particular strip he got everything wrong… kinda.

    “Coder” and “Programmer” can be synonymous, but in the absolute sense the Programmer is the one who designs the logic of the code, and the Coder is the one who writes the code based on the Programmer’s design.

    A Geek isn’t necessarily tech-oriented.

    A Systems Analyst evaluates system validity. Engineers design systems.

    A developer (brains) is several steps above a key puncher (manual labor).

    And to top it off… he’s using a spade, not a shovel. ;D

  8. about 8 hours ago on Brewster Rockit

    “We will never achieve greatness until we no longer hear the term ‘black’ nor ‘woman’ used to designate a person’s achievements. Drawing attention to such things serves to further expand that division.”

  9. about 8 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Wow, you just made me realize I’ve never read Calvin and Hobbes from the very beginning. And it’s all here on this site. There’s a good way to spend yawn-hours. Thanks! :D

  10. about 8 hours ago on Calvin and Hobbes

    Keeping people guessing is part of what won this comic such admiration. Make people laugh, score. Good artwork, score. Give them a constant mystery in a comic strip: genius. ;D