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Love the strip but I’m getting very sick of the control freak daughter.
I’d hate to be her husband. I’d hate to even know her.
My first time and I hate them both already. Two arrogant Bwords.
But what does the fire hydrant identify as?
You have one of the best comic strips going. Please don’t start shilling for the government.
I’m sure you were very happy when they made weed legal.
I have some kool-Aid for you. Just be a good boy and drink it. Good bye. You’re getting a little too esoteric for me, anyway.
Michelle wouldn’t like me being in the line to vote.
Why not wear a mask on both ends? We could then eliminate Global Warming, too.
Melania has way more class than you do. No more daily PreTeena for me. Bye.
Love the strip but I’m getting very sick of the control freak daughter.