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CaitlynB Free

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  1. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Slight spoiler, but the ghostly cat apparition is actually a character you’ll get to see a bit more of in the future (particularly around Halloween). Georgia Dunn (the creator of the comic) started her comics on her website breakingcatnews.com for a few years; when she moved to GoComics and newspapers started picking BCN up, she re-started the story’s timeline to the beginning to catch up new readers.

  2. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    I’m wondering whether this is foreshadowing for next year. We haven’t played Tommy’s story out yet, and both Tommy and his owner were part of Tillie’s arc. Even if it’s just foreshadowing, I’m happily surprised to see Tillie again. <3

  3. almost 7 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    HE SUMMONED TILLIE!!!!! <3 <3 I have MISSED Tillie so much. Do you think we’re going to see her story play out this Halloween or do you think this is just foreshadowing for next year (As we haven’t played Tommy’s story out yet)?

  4. over 7 years ago on Luann

    I officially like Tiffany as a person better than Bernice.How did this happen?!?!

  5. over 7 years ago on Luann

    I don’t think Tiff even likes Piro (more than just an acquaintance). I think Tiff is actually starting to look out/have sympathy for others, hence her letting him stay in her dorm. She’s only giving Bernice that look because Bernice is acting like an obsessed possessive girlfriend (and she’s not even dating him). If I was Piro and expected to get my backpack back, I’d expect to see Tiffany bringing it back, not Bernice, and would be disconcerted at seeing the RA bring it back to me. Plus, I think Tiff is just tired of all Bernice’s crap.

  6. over 8 years ago on Luann

    I’m honestly getting tired of Gunther’s actions. He just keeps pushing her to be with him because they are “sensible” together. Just what every girl dreams of. Who needs falling in love when you can fall into a sensible partnership?

  7. over 8 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    Georgia, I just want to tell you how much happiness your strip means to me and how much joy it gave me this morning. I had to take the LSAT this afternoon, and your comic brought a little bit of laughter and happiness before taking it. Thank you for that! :) <3

  8. over 8 years ago on Nancy

    Feel free to take some of our rain. West coast of FL is expecting a tropical depression/storm tomorrow

  9. over 8 years ago on Luann

    Going to be honest, seeing Gunther push and try so hard is becoming somewhat painful, especially since Bernice is not at all interested. Just confirms in my heart that Bernice and Gunther do NOT belong together.

  10. over 8 years ago on Breaking Cat News

    This actually first came out right around January. Breaking Cat News started on www.breakingcatnews.com and eventually moved to gocomics.com, starting from the very beginning. To catch GoComics to the present, Ms. Dunn is having these past strips run every day while she continues to only release new strips twice a week until they catch up to where she currently is in the strip. (long answer to your question… short answer is, this was published when it still was winter.)