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Recent Comments

  1. almost 9 years ago on The Grizzwells

    choice verses luck…… that is a hard choice… good luck with it Gunther… ! ! !

  2. almost 9 years ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    Horace forgot to say Tank-You…..! ! !

  3. almost 9 years ago on The Dinette Set

    This is the lowest number of comments I have ever encountered… What’s up…? ? ? I am pretty sure this is a rerun today…. I am also pretty sure the Dinette Set is set in the 1950s, before GPS, so there appears to be a time warp going on here…. @SusanSunshine..? ? ?

  4. almost 9 years ago on The Dinette Set

    If afire was started, there would be a terrible explosion