Don’t understand. I guess your subtle wit is over my head or you’ve discovered some interesting new amide to combine with that first cup of coffee…( my illusion was 13.2 below zero F last night.) P.S. I suspect a scantly clad human would die of hypothermic shock & illusion in about two minutes out in my yard right now…wanna come up to central Colorado right now and test the hypothesis? (actually, don’t. Wouldn’t want to explain that one to the Park county sheriff’s dept. and/or the coroner.)
Due to advanced prostate cancer, the urologist opted for “hormone therapy”. This is a euphemism for chemical castration. (Think of testosterone as gasoline on the cancer fire) The good news is I’m old; my skirt chasin’ days are way behind me- the bad news, the listlessness and hot flashes are sure no picnic. Guess it’s preferable to a agonizing, drawn out death…
Said it before, probably say it again-what a hateful old bi**h. Can’t resist an old, true story- Many years ago one of my parent’s neighbors consisted of a post middle aged couple; wife, a rather shrewy unlikeable old thing, husband, a shyster used car salesman. One day he cleared out all the savings and assets and just disappeared. As a boy just out of high school, I remember smiling as I pictured him on a tropical beach somewhere surrounded by the classic beautiful brown-skinned native maidens… No one ever heard from him again…
Fun strip today; of coarse, leave it to me to add a “real world” note-on tall buildings with bay doors, (think aircraft hangars and such), the icicles can get big and heavy enough that, combined with the long fall, killing or maiming some poor victim is not unheard of. (Long ago and far away, I worked at a facility that had such structures-being a low level {read that expendable} kinda guy, me and my ilk where the ones to be sent to the roof to see to the issue. A steeply pitched metal surface, wet and slick, often as not in the cold dark…had to get way too close to the edge, a LONG way to the ground… Gawd, good times)
I love all you guys, but pet hording is not psychologically healthy.