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Queen Blackbeard Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 7 years ago on In Security

    I feel a bit sorry for Sam XD

  2. almost 8 years ago on In Security

    Awww… :3

  3. almost 8 years ago on In Security

    I love how they sent him out onto the porch.

  4. almost 8 years ago on Big Nate

    Yeah, this seems like a ripoff of that strip…

  5. almost 8 years ago on In Security

    Insanity is the best gift. Plus, if it’s the wrong color or size, it’s easily regiftable.

  6. almost 8 years ago on In Security

    The real question is: Why is Roy wearing a cowboy suit?

  7. almost 8 years ago on In Security

    In the fifth panel, if you pan stage left, Sam is slapping his forehead.

  8. almost 8 years ago on Big Nate

    Haha, I remember that. Turns out the Universe has got nothing on Calvin’s mom.

  9. almost 8 years ago on In Security



  10. almost 8 years ago on In Security

    No, no, no! The way people have started making daily strips in color is disgusting! It’s completely lacking charm! Not to mention it makes the Sunday strips less enjoyable! It’s just, “Oh, this is just a daily with a few extra panelss. Yawn.” Besides, doing stuff in black and white allows for so many artistic opportunities! Look at “Calvin and Hobbes”! Watterson has mastered the art of using black perfectly! And think of the ones where Calvin becomes “Tracer Bullet”; if in color, those would immediately lose the dramatic lighting effects made possibly because it was done with black and white.

    In my opinion, a cartoonist should do black and white for dailies, and then do beautiful, magnificent works of art in their colored Sundays.