Even without a stock market, it wouldn’t work the way it does. I will make a very simplified example. Let’s say we reset the whole economy and take 100 people who start their own stock market free economy. So now, we have a group of 10 people who are exceptionally talented at making money, 10 who are exceptionally not and 80 who are average. What would happen. Within one generation, you would have 10 extremely rich people, 10 poor and 80 ranging between them. The next generation, 10 people would have big advantages over the rest and within a few generations, we would have a situation, where a few families control the market again. The whole theory of complete free capitalism doesn’t work, because it needs all people to be of equal talent and financial power to work. And that is not the case.
I mean, elections have consequences as we saw with Brexit and now probably wit Trump. Brexit did cost the UK a lot. And will continue to cost them. So that much is a varifiable truth. Democracy is one possible way to govern. And it is the least horrible way we discovered so far.
The invisible hand of the free market however is at best a theoretical as it works on the premise that everyone on the market has the same power or ability to organize. Which is simply false.
Not sure if that would work. Blaming people and looking down on them seems a big selling point of religions, if I can trust my expirience and historical data.
Not quite true. Not all taxes filter to the consumer. If you make a tax on stock income for example, it only filters to those who have stocks. Not to all people. And that is just an example. So not all taxes are bad, as aren’t all tariffs. Tariffs can be a good instrument. What is asinine is to put tariffs on everything. That is the problem here. If you do it right and establish an industry to protect first, they can be a boon.
So the principal can’t figure out, what she is trying to teach.^^