I have a collection of a dozen or so antenna rotator controllers, and have written a short history of them for the Antique Wireless Association’s magazine. Some of those old “Tennarotors” (that’s a trade name from Alliance Manufacturing) are pretty handsome in a 1950s Bakelite way.
I did a program years ago that had an operating principle: Life is empty and meaningless, AND it’s empty and meaningless that it’s empty and meaningless. We can assign our own meaning to life – so why not pick a meaning you like?
You can see the threadbareness of his sweater in at least two places. But what’s the problem of getting dressed up to work outside, if that’s what you want? Since I’ve retired, my “everyday,” “church and funeral,” and “work outside” clothes have become more and more interchangeable.
“An old, lonely man.” I feel like that a lot now. But I spent decades describing myself as a lonely person, until one day, with help, I discovered that the life I was actually living didn’t match what I called myself. With that freedom, I met my wife. So now, again, I am choosing to actively live, even while sometimes feeling lonely. It will take time, but it honors both her and me. And I do cherish those days with her and thank God every day for them.