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  1. 3 months ago on Baby Blues

    These days where I’m from it’s now simply called Winter Break.

  2. 12 months ago on Edge City

    The brick in her hand probably.

  3. over 1 year ago on Over the Hedge

    Comparatively, to Betty it is.

  4. over 1 year ago on The Buckets

    Apparently so.

  5. over 1 year ago on The Buckets

    What is disc golf and how is it played?Disc Golf is played like traditional golf, but with disc golf discs instead of balls and clubs. One throw (stroke) is counted each time the disc is thrown and when a penalty is incurred. The goal is to play each hole in the fewest strokes possible. The player with the lowest total strokes for the entire course wins.

  6. almost 2 years ago on Amanda the Great

    It’s a real thing! Creepy, but real!

  7. about 2 years ago on Bound and Gagged

    It totally has gone downhill. Last time we got a bucket the pieces were so small the bucket was barely half full. As though they’re using cornish hens now.

  8. about 2 years ago on Bound and Gagged

    That chicken is far too large to be anything the colonel serves up these days.

  9. over 2 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    It was also remade in 2001, and Rise of the Planet of the Apes in 2011.

  10. over 2 years ago on The Flying McCoys

    He still has to put the human costume on to leave the house for groceries.