As a conspiracy theorist, Democrat cannot be Huey’s favorite. He might vote that way if/when he grew up. However, for now, if he has a favorite party at all, it would be the Green Party.
The visor that gives him sight causes him constant pain that couldn’t be alleviated without compromising the effectiveness of the visor. He managed to be the smartest organic life on the ship. He didn’t have a choice to not be blind until Riker has the power of the Q and gives it to him. He felt that it wasn’t right. The fact that he still puts out a positive attitude and keeps his composure without making excuses and getting his job done before deadlines right next a warp core about to explode makes him a badass to me. Maybe he could have been more assertive. As a senior officer, he could have made more of his opinions heard. I’ll give Aaron that much.
Also reading rainbow.
… or maybe I’m just a Trekkie taking a comic written by a Star Wars fan way too seriously …
Wow, I really prefer this Huey to the one on the show where he is almost a saint (and that’s because I really love the show Season 1-3). In this comic he has more raw fire and emotion. He is shown to have issues and be more vulnerable and real. I can’t pretend to always understand him, and that complexity is what I like the best in fictional characters. I’ll be sad when I’m done reading all these.
Probably Jeb Bush