So when it comes right down to it: why does one comic strip character see another comic character as a stuffed toy? Reminds me, of the age old question: Are Fred and Wilma Flintstone, stars of The Flintstones, married in real life?Or, if the number you have reached is imaginary, rotate your phone 90 degrees and try again. If your result is negative, it means you rotated it in the wrong direction.
Just wait to they get President, and 51% plus in both chambers, they will then pack the Supreme Court, which will in turn declare that according to the 14th Amendment to the Constitution the office of President must be directly elected. Laws must be uniform, hence congress makes them, voter registration is done with a default for the party, thus more fairly ensuring everyone gets to vote whether they do so, or not. And then …
And my theory about Dr Mel’s time machine is still alive