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  1. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    And your current President does not get it. Let me tell you something, my grandfather was a village headmaster in a border town with Burma. He had 11 children and could only afford to educate the first three, and told them they were responsible for the next three siblings. My eldest uncle graduated from High School and was awarded the Fulbright Scholarship to study in the US in the early 1960’s. He completed his PhD from Michigan, came back to India and became the Chancellor for the largest Engineering University in East Asia at that time, he educated his next three siblings, and they followed suit in helping the rest of the family get a good education. Today, we are a family of over 90 cousins, who work and contribute to communities all over the world, and we are so grateful to the US for allowing us the opportunity to do so.

    I don’t understand the notion that migrants are taking over American jobs, do you know how qualified you have to be to work at Google, Microsoft, IBM or any of the Fortune 500 companies? Or how hard working you have to be to work for below minimum wage positions, to make ends meet?I do not want to demean what you said, but from someone who has experienced the best that America has to offer to its migrant community; from leaders (not politicians) who had the vision of the good that can come out of accepting those who choose to make the precarious journey to your shores, to just be given a chance to a better life, I want you to know that a systematic acceptance of migrants into your society has always contributed the American dream, within the US and to the rest of the world.


  2. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    As a beloved member of the enforced British Empire and all the glorious advancements that they brought to our lands, I can testify that there really was no lasting benefit of our forced introduction. A billion and more Indians will testify that foreign invaders did/have ‘tried’ and take things over in our lands for centuries, and have failed miserably, because unlike the 500 nations of the American Indians (a term that as an original Indian, I do not agree with. A label coined by a third party, that only suits their political agenda), we actually were able to rise up through a non-violent movement to overcome our suppressors, and not be mass slaughtered or killed through enforced death-inducing marches to desert strewed death traps.

    For you to say that the Native Americans are ‘much better off’ today than 500 years ago is an insult to the world knowledge of the history and current affairs/plight of the Native Americans, and am saddened by it.

    America has so much positive attributes to offer the world, you have the free voice to stand up against the ills of the world and make a difference. Your national fabric is made up of individuals from every nation of the world, did you know that? Your immigration systems allows the selection and migration of the brightest, potential filled individuals from around the world to come and share their God given gifts for the whole benefit of the country. They are not clamoring to emigrate to Brazil or New Zealand.

  3. about 6 years ago on Non Sequitur

    As a non-American, and I really ask this question to better understand your cultural commotion, there are two things that I don’t really understand:

    1) When your politicians talk about taking your country back, or making America great again, why does it always mean a time when America was considered pretty much fully ‘white’ (at least in their minds). Was America not great when the Native Americans were in charge, before the invasion of the folks on the wooden boats?

    2) When your ancestors invaded the US, did they get documents from the Native Americans giving them the right to be invaded and have their great country ‘taken over’? I mean do you guys have the documentation to prove that your initial family, who came to the US, generation(s) ago, came to the US with all the right papers, or does it not matter because you are white and ‘documentation’ to you means alternative reality?