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Lydushka Free

I grew up during many changes in how things are viewed but always have tried to keep an open mind to other's views and opinions. I believe that fact is more fascinating than fiction and history does tend to repeat itself. I tend to believe my ears and eyes more than what is told to me, been there, done that, used the t-shirt remnants in a quilt. Because of my age, I maybe slow on the uptake but that's because I think things over before I answer and make myself sound like an ignorant Karen. I no longer give a Rat's backside if you decide to hate me because haters gotta hate. I also believe that no good deed goes unpunished because it's happened to me so many times that it's left a few scars. I'm love animals but can't stand some people and old enough to know a liar when I see one. Actions speak louder than words and I hate politicians, all they do is talk. And Respect given had better not be not be broken because, like trust, it doesn't grow back.

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 months ago on Working Daze

    My “dog” ate my homework?

  2. about 2 months ago on Lio

    I wonder what would happen to a tesla cyber truck?

  3. 5 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    Ummm, If I am not mistaken, but the “writing” symbols resembles that of an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. In this episode, they covered the “Roswell, NM. Alien crash”. On one of the “relics” viewed, the symbols were etched on a “Beam” that was witnessed by many people. Just saw that episode and vaguely remember these similar symbols…

  4. 9 months ago on Pearls Before Swine

    place bag on counter with the cheese all the way down into the bag.. leaving 1" clear at base of sealing edge. Take a spoon, place bowl of spoon on edge of zip, press and “roll” bowl along edge of zip, “walking” it towards the other end. continue till you pass the last of the zip. this is how a man without a thumb can do it… now I hope the cats don’t learn to work a can opener…

  5. 10 months ago on Breaking Cat News

    My personal scary favorite is of course, “Don’t Blink”. A friend of mine actually went home and moved all of her little animal and angel statues to the far back of her yard!!…. and it’s a big yard!…

  6. 10 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Power can corrupt, but being stupid can get you a dictator in control of your life…tough choice…

  7. 11 months ago on Mike Luckovich

    How can I “like” something, when I hate the actuality of it…Obviously I am a woman, and the idea that my granddaughter, daughter, female friends and so many others are literately looking at this as their future… who gave them the right to rule over our bodies and choices. all that’s left is “what shall I make the Patriarch for dinner after I come home from my full time job” type thinking! it’s like they are taking all our choices and rights away…

  8. about 1 year ago on Mike Luckovich

    Just like Germany… all his “enemies” will end up in interment camps. all the ones that aren’t white christian nationalists.. Did it occur to any of the Sycophants that there’s more of us than of them?

  9. about 1 year ago on FoxTrot Classics

    My favorite way is to get them all on a “train” of wheel chairs and tow them across like a dog sled! maybe we can continue down the street and “whip” across the next park!

  10. about 1 year ago on FoxTrot Classics

    why does it look like a spider’s catch? (shudder)…