I go and get what is on the list and maybe a couple things extra. He goes and comes back with half of what is on the list and a dozen extra snacks like chips, candy, cookies and donuts.
I remember that storm, was out of school for over a month, senior year. We ended up going to school earlier and later every day to keep from going on Saturday. It worked out well since we only were 2 weeks late for graduation.
I grew up in KY. I remember days and weeks without power. I canned and froze veggies all summer, froze bread, made soup and froze it. Always made sure to have pintos and powdered milk. I had a wood stove so I would heat my soup or make soup beans. My neighbors knew if they needed anything to just ask. When I was still in school I remember the buses putting chains on to get students to school. The year we missed a lot of school was the year we had snow then freezing rain, snow again topped by freezing rain. The best I remember it was about 2 1/2 ft. I knew it was waist high before the freezing rain. No cell phones, did a lot of reading, puzzles of all kinds and listened to portable radios. I don’t ever remember being bored. My daughter was raised the same way. At least I stayed fit with all the shoveling lol.
They got rid of all our paper carriers about 2 months ago. All newspapers are now delivered by the post office. If it is a holiday you will get it whenever. I always read my paper in the morning and now I don’t even get it til afternoon.
I remember a candy bar and a bottle of pop for .25.