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Raisins are what people who hate children give out on Halloween.
I know what you mean. Both my kitties will join me to watch TV. But Zoey seems to think that me sitting at my computer is an open invitation. But as long as she stays off the keyboard, she is welcome.
Well, comic strips aren’t about people in their right minds.
Yes. Please, leave out the raisins.
Oddly enough, my cat is sitting in my lap right now despite my attempts to shift her off.
These days it’s social media’s fault.
You’ll probably have to go to a tent & awning shop to find her size.
Oh, Pinkish! I fear you’ve hanging around these 2 for too long.
Now you just need some bats to eat the mosquitoes.
Hey! That one looks like a dog catcher!
Raisins are what people who hate children give out on Halloween.