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Recent Comments

  1. over 5 years ago on Spectickles

    I HATE phone trees!

  2. over 5 years ago on Clay Bennett

    The “lonesome loser” line is from a band called The Little River Band.

  3. over 5 years ago on Spectickles

    When this one person made the coffee, one of the women in the group complained about how strong it was. I said he was making “naval coffee”. She asked what that was and I told her that no matter how the ship rolled, the coffee would not leave the cup.

  4. almost 6 years ago on Pickles

    This made me laugh so hard…I once worked as a sewer (pronounced sew-er) for an awning company and was being admitted to the emergency and filled out the form. The admitting person asked me “And, what does a sewer (pronouncing it soo-er) do?” I laughed then, too.

  5. over 6 years ago on Savage Chickens

    Unfortunately I was drinking my coffee when I saw this! NOW I have to go change my clothes!

  6. over 8 years ago on The Big Picture

    You seem to read my thoughts! You are one of my FAVORITE commenters on the human condition.