No bio available
She’s afraid people will talk about her.
Bernice needs a kidney
He will suddenly break up with her, and she will cry and wonder why he doesn’t want to date her.
Well Spaceman Spiff has already proven this.
It’s to dangerous for them. Besides, you are suppose to stroke the book’s spine, not break it.
My dog ran away in Nebraska. I watched it go for three days.
He flops waiting for Lu only to have Ox come by and give mouth to mouth. ( sorry,, i have to go throw-up now)
Nobody else has called 911 because they are too busy videoing and posting it online.
There is also Non Sequitur 10/4/2018
See the Non Sequitur strip Oct. 4th 2018 for your answer. :)
She’s afraid people will talk about her.