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Gog what a bunch of squares. I need to root out the cause of this and then have a draft and fine nite.
Kind of reminds me of Earl, emitting a toxic gas that kills others
Zestfully clean though
Plenty of people paid a good amount to hear baaa baaa baaa – Barbra Ann
Only works 1X every 9 months or so.
Seems like the family is together except for Dad. Those polls are going to look mighty poor for Dad.
That’s some ugly kids.
I don’t think that pun should be a pun -ishable crime. Let the (pun)ishment fit the crime.
Long been my contention that the women’s fashion industry is dominated by people who hate women and worship little boys.
Gog what a bunch of squares. I need to root out the cause of this and then have a draft and fine nite.